Having a heard time trying to find a gift for someone? A detox spa is the perfect wellness gift for everyone, especially for those who want to improve their overall health. If you’re wondering what the differences between a regular spa and a detox spa are, a regular spa has many traditional pampering techniques like facials and massages, but detox spas use treatment methods that are designed to “reset“ the body. These treatments are meant to clear the body of toxins that have built up from the environment, diet, and other unhealthy habits.
What Makes a Detox Spa a Perfect Wellness Gift?
Detoxifying your body can bring about many benefits you may not even be aware of. This includes reducing congestion, promoting weight loss, boosting metabolism and improving immune systems. A thorough detox can lift the burden of your organs by letting your body naturally release the stored toxins that have accumulated in the tissues, especially the liver since it’s your body’s primary filter. This allows your body to reset and start on a clean slate again, and you will get healthier glowing skin as your body regain its natural complexion. Detoxifying can even aid you in your weight loss journey if you’re looking to lose weight without exercise by keeping a balanced and healthy diet. Lastly, your body will be able to rebalance itself and restore its normal functions to work effectively again, letting you feel lighter and more energised.
What You Can Expect From Energia’s Foot Detox Therapy
Utilising technology hailing from Germany, the Miracle Power Foot Detox Therapy can increase optimum cellular functions.
- The POWER DETOX combines iontophoresis with electrolysis to create ionised mineralised water, similar to that of ancient traditional spas found in Roman baths and spas.
- A very low electric current is passed through the water which contains a small amount of salt.
- Through the principles of electrolysis, the water and salt molecules are ionised into positive and negative ions.
- These ions can pass through the pores in your feet that are submerged in this foot bath, and then circulate around the body through your blood and lymph routes.
- The addition of exogenous ions stimulates the sodium/potassium pump in the cell membrane as well as other membrane-bound transport systems.
- This increases the uptake of nutrients and water which are essential for optimum cellular function, and the added water assists in the removal of hemotoxins, which is a process known as detoxification.
Regular use of POWER DETOX can assist in:
- Enhanced body and liver detoxification
- Relief of congestion in tissues and organs
- Increase of energy and increase blood circulation
Book a Liver Detox Session for Your Loved Ones at Energia Today!
Show your loved ones you care by pampering them with this wellness gift! Energia aims to help you feel energised and healthy everywhere you go. Book a Miracle Power Foot Detox Therapy today at $138!
Get in touch with Energia by calling +65 63372768, or emailing us at info@rev22.com. We offer up to 12 months’ interest-free monthly instalment payment schemes (T&Cs apply.)