The first signs of ageing that every beautiful lady dreads are the eye bags and crow’s feet around the eyes. Surprisingly as you enter your 30’s these almost invisible wrinkles can be formed as a result of excessive smiling, squinting, or skin abuse. Here are 4 simple preventive actions you can take to avoid those wrinkles
Action 1: Choose sunscreens carefully
In order to avoid wrinkles it is important to use sunscreen daily. Exposure to Sun is the biggest reason why wrinkles form. However, make sure you use the right sunscreen with the well-adjusted SPF of 15 to 30. it is also crucial to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects your facial skin from the entire UVA spectrum.
Action 2: Quit smoking
Nicotine fast damages the skin. Also, the facial muscles are overworked while holding and puffing the smoke causing the facial skin to pull and stretch unnaturally. Nicotine also damages the collagen and elastin that keep your skin taught. So quit now!
Action 3: Get your eyes checked
If you need glasses it is better to start using the correct ones sooner than later. Defective vision will make you squint which gives rise to crow’s feet. Also, tired eyes will invariably develop eye bags and dark circles. Get the right glasses and keep your facial skin comfortable.
Action 4: Sleep correctly – On Your Back!
You will be surprised to know that correct sleeping posture can actually prevent wrinkles across your eyes, face and neck. All you need to do is to sleep on your back. When you sleep on your stomach or on the side you create lines on your skin that can get engraved on your skin permanently.
Right awareness along with the Energia sleeping system will help you in improving the quality of your sleep and in waking up fresh! It will improve your blood quality with a strong detox every night.